Having trialed our season ticket solutions at Burgess Hill Town Football Club this season it is time to reach further.  Proof of concept has been all completed and alterations made to the solution to add the most value for all new installations.

Season tickets include a personlised QR code for each holder.  This enables us to be able to track when it has been used and also to stop multiple entries for the same game.  As this solution works on a QR code against an individuals membership this can be saved as a QR on your phone in addition to your season ticket so it is always with you.

Other possible features to include 

  • loading of payments to the card and for use at games to pay for food and other items.
  • One time use tickets for online ticket sales.
  • Promotional tickets
  • VIP passes
  • Automated email generation to give promotions to qualifying entrants.
  • Discounts card.
  • Loyalty schemes 

Please contact us with your requirements and we will find the right solutions for you.

Card creation can be in Plastic credit card type with full customations by name or a simple paper card based service.

Terms of service can be agreed on a case by case basis with upfront costs (CAPEX for hardware) and yearly subscription fees or a straight forward subsciption only model to cover hardware rental.